Pulldownit for 3d Max 2018

Pulldownit , the destruction plugin, is already available for 3d Max 2018, you can review latest features and demos of Pulldownit plugin here:

Pulldownit 3.8.6 new features

3d Max 2018 has come early this year, the major new addition is Arnold render, this award winning  renderer replaces Mental Ray which has been removed although NVidia still commercialize it on its own. The User Interface has changed also quite a bit, this new release uses QT5 for all UI windows making the UI more versatile, now you can tear off the Timeline window and even the whole Commands panel besides you can make it thicker however the controls inside remain the same size, which makes resizing it useless, I hope in future updates of Max the controls turn larger when resizing the panel they belong to, it can be helpful when twiking parameters, by the way Max UI distribution resembles a little more to Maya, first with the addition of the Scene Explorer in 3d Max 2016, and now changing the workspace selection box to the top right corner, same as Maya does.

Another Tool that has been enhanced in this version is MGC, it counts now with 78 new operators, and better performance and usability. MGC is a great tool for creating procedural objects and modifiers in 3d Max in a visual way, much easier than scripting.

Doing simple animations is now easier with the new Motion Paths , you can set the main keys just by dragging the object and adjust later its trajectory with fine control without having to convert it to a spline, that’s great, time saving feature and less stuff to handle in the scene.

And don’t forget the Data Channel modifier and Blended Box map, those powerful tools were introduced in 3d Max 2017 update 1, and Autodesk continues enhancing them in this version. Blended Box is a fast way to combine different textures over the same model without visible seams and not having to edit UVs at all, the Data Channel is a new modifier which can be cumbersome to use at first time but definitively powerful in what you can do with it like affecting only the concave areas of a model to modify them or whatever.

Quite a lot of useful news for a year development, worth to try this new version, below a couple of tutorials highlighting some the new features inside Max 2018,